The script ceremony, including the priest asking the congregation accepted if couples can marry. Where acceptance of the congregation is given, the couple asked the same thing. Then the priest precedes the ceremony by asking, "Will you have this man / woman? The couple must answer, yes. This is followed by the exchange of rings and the priest blesses the couple.
Wedding vows are given by the couple in front of the priest. The script begins with "I" (written name) promise to be with my husband / wife at all times of happiness or sadness, etc,. The priest says: "This couple is united in the eyes of God and man will not have to divide." They are husband and wife.
The special message will be delivered to the couple and the congregation by the priest. Offerings and gifts are given to the church for the newlyweds. Then the priest introduces the couple to the church and everyone sings the closing hymn with the priest's blessing at the meeting. This is followed by cake cutting ceremony, reception and dinner.
The wedding ceremony script is what people remember. The vows taken are another attraction. That is to make your wedding unique so much attention and care to write the script wedding ceremony. Therefore, if you are planning to get married soon, have the script ready wedding ceremony before the stress gets to you.
Wedding vows are given by the couple in front of the priest. The script begins with "I" (written name) promise to be with my husband / wife at all times of happiness or sadness, etc,. The priest says: "This couple is united in the eyes of God and man will not have to divide." They are husband and wife.
The special message will be delivered to the couple and the congregation by the priest. Offerings and gifts are given to the church for the newlyweds. Then the priest introduces the couple to the church and everyone sings the closing hymn with the priest's blessing at the meeting. This is followed by cake cutting ceremony, reception and dinner.
The wedding ceremony script is what people remember. The vows taken are another attraction. That is to make your wedding unique so much attention and care to write the script wedding ceremony. Therefore, if you are planning to get married soon, have the script ready wedding ceremony before the stress gets to you.